Family Oral Health Tips – Dental Health Week 2019

Family Oral Health Tips – Dental Health Week 2019 | Lake View Dental

Family Oral Health Tips – Dental Health Week 2019

Here at Lake View Dental we are promoting Dental Health Week 2019 by providing our patients with essential oral health tips and tricks.

The best thing for your oral health is to have your natural teeth for life. We know that prevention is always better than a cure and for this reason, we believe strongly in preventive care for our patients.

In addition to an active at-home maintenance routine and a healthy diet, dental check-ups are a crucial aspect of keeping your teeth and mouth healthy.

We are celebrating 2019 Dental Health Week and are excited to promote the Australian Dental Association’s tips for maintaining excellent oral health as a family.

Baby/Toddler Oral Health Tips

  • To clean your baby’s teeth – use a damp washcloth and gently rub their gums.
  • As teeth start to appear, start to introduce a soft, child size toothbrush.
  • Don’t use toothpaste until they are around 18 months of age. It is recommended to use child-strength fluoride toothpaste.
  • Visit a dentist when the first lot of teeth appears or by 12 months.
  • Brush twice daily and floss teeth that touch together.

Children Oral Health Tips

  • Floss teeth that touch together.
  • Use child-strength toothpaste – Your dentist may recommend other alternatives. They can start using adult strength tooth paste when your child is 9 years old.
  • Make brushing fun – Play a song or use an appropriate smartphone application as a reminder to brush for the recommended two minutes.

General Oral Health Tips

  • Brush twice a day and floss – remember that brushing does not remove plaque between teeth.
  • Drink heaps of water – consuming water after meals can help to flush out food particles and also strengthen your teeth.
  • Limit sugar intake – Each time you eat foods containing sugar, you are feeding the bacteria in your mouth. This can result in tooth decay.
  • Chew sugar free gum – Studies have shown that chewing sugar free gum for 20 minutes after eating can prompt your mouth to produce more saliva, which helps to neutralise decay-causing acid attacks.

If you would like more information about the services the team at Lake View Dental offers for maintaining excellent oral health, contact us today. The Australian Dental Association also has several resources available to also help with your oral health.

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